Portfolio investment companies

Nowadays, both corporations and individuals make substantial use of international business companies as means to create, protect and hold portfolio investments. Such portfolios may include bonds, cash, stocks and other types of investments. The main reason for such a decision is of course the achievement of tax advantages, since clients usually seek for tax-free deposit interests and returns.

Hiring International (offshore) portfolio investment companies can be a very attractive option for a natural or legal entity that wants to explore and invest in foreign markets. The use of such an intermediary leads to a number of benefits, including the shielding of the portfolio investments from heavy capital gains taxation. Additionally, it can lead to assets growth within a confidential and secure environment, just like in the case of hiring professional services companies.

The advantages of hiring the right investment company

An investment company can be used by individuals or corporations to hold investments in different markets and countries. These portfolio investment companies also provide full confidentiality and save investors from professional and other related fees.

It goes without saying that choosing the right investment company is of substantial importance. A well experienced company can create a well balanced and always focused portfolio of investments, thus reassuring success. Second, the right portfolio investment companies are constantly updated upon the financial markets that adjust to the world economies and, of course, to each country’s internal fluctuations, and make assessments at least every 6 months, in order to maintain the growth of your portfolio.